Disney’s Growing Empire – Expansion

The top grossing movies this year so far in 2019 goes Avengers: Endgame, Captain Marvel, Aladdin, Toy Story 4….. Those four movies totaled about almost $1.9B so far domestically. Avengers: Endgame also totaled 2.7 billion gross worldwide and became the top box office movie of all time. No one could stop Disney’s growing empire at the moment.

The top grossing movies last year in 2018 goes Black Panther, Avengers: Infinity War, Incredibles 2… Those three movies totaled about almost $2B gross domestically.

Disney Territory – The Studios

With Marvel Studios, Pixar, Lucasfilm, 21st Century Fox, and other studios Disney owns, we are seeing a perennially dominant force become even more dominant.

But that’s not even all of the story. In an attempt to use a modernized approach to reach more audience, Disney is launching their own streaming service Disney+. In addition to its own streaming service, Disney also owns over 50% of Hulu. We haven’t even got started on all the TV channels owned by Disney yet.

Disney+, the new Disney streaming service

It will be interesting to see how Disney’s competitors are going to react in the future years. Of course, we can attribute Disney’s recent year dominance to simply a good cycle. Maybe the following years the top box office movies will be from Warner Bros or Sony. Sure, but it is clear that the company is making bold moves and investing a lot of money to make sure it stays ahead of the game.

Disney’s Next Course of Action

The Disney-owned studios’ course of action regarding next films seems to be clear: A lot of the future films that are planned include live action remakes, whether they’re good or bad, it’s likely people will go see them. Aladdin proved this. The Lion King proved this. I would have trouble believing it would be any different from The Little Mermaid or Mulan.

Then there are the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) films. Although some of the main characters have left the show, and the MCU is in a transitional phase, I would still be optimistic of how popular some of these new movies like The Eternals or Shang-Chi could be. An example was that not many people knew what the Guardians of the Galaxy was about or what to expect, yet it became wildly popular. There are also a Star Wars movie that wraps up the Luke Skywalker storyline and the upcoming Pixar movies that would get fans excited.

Disney is doing well, but they also invested very heavily in the recent years. So far, it’s been paying off, it will be interesting to see if they can keep it up. It would also be quite intriguing to see what their competitors got up their sleeves. Time Warner cannot just let Disney’s growing empire overrun the entire entertainment industry. Although I don’t believe that a complete monopoly is possible, but I could see Disney going from a shark to a whale – occupying even more space in this limited ocean, soon leaving very minimal space for rest of the fish to operate.

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